Household Fine Motor Items

Did you know that everyday household items can be used to work on fine motor skills?

Below are some low cost items you might find in your home that can be used to help strengthen your fine motor skills.

Spray bottle- Spray plants, tables, or windows

Sponge- Dip into water and use hands to squeeze water out. Make it into a game and see who can   fill up a bowl or bucket first. 

Seasoning Bottle- Thread q-tips, spaghetti noodles, pipe cleaners, or toothpicks into the holds.

Colander- Place colander upside and thread fake flower, pipe cleaners, spaghetti noodles, or sticks into holes.

Nuts & Bolts- Practice matching nuts to bolts and screwing them together.

Muffin Pan- Use tongs to sort items in a muffin pan or flip the pan upside down and place rubber bands onto each muffin slot.

Straws- Practice cutting straws into pieces and string them on to a string/yarn to make a bracelet or necklace.


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